
5015 6th Ave, Brooklyn, Ny 11220 | (917) 909-1922

Amanda Su, Education Director


We offer 3-K and Pre-K programs at this location:

  • School Day seats are open to all NYC children born in 2020 & 2021.  These seats are free and provide early care and 6 hours and 20 minutes per day during the school year (typically from September to June).  

  • Extended Day and Year seats are free or low cost and provide up to 10 hours of early care and education a day, year-round, including the summer.  Eligibility for Extended Day and Year seats is based on family income and needs and is confirmed by completing a Child Care application.

Worldtots 5015 6th Ave is a preschool for 3 to 5-year-old children, focused on a holistic approach to preparing your child for kindergarten, including NYC's Gifted and Talented programs. Our curriculum uses research and best practices to develop essential and age-appropriate socioemotional, physical, and cognitive skills that begin at school and continue at home.

We believe high-quality learning doesn’t need to come at a premium, and with love, inspiration, and discipline, Worldtots prepares your child for the future.



Parent & me program




Full Year