Learning Centers

Children learn in a variety of ways.

In order for them to fully access our curriculum, we will provide them with multiple ways to do so. Some are visual learners, while others are kinesthetic learners and need to be fully hands-on…etc., and each learning center allows for more choice on how students learn (what they gravitate towards). Centers also allow for more individual support/ instruction when the teacher observes the “play” and facilitates the discussions within the center. Children are more relaxed when they see learning as “play” and are more independent because they have choice. They also become responsible for those learning choices.



Art Center 美 術 měi shù

In the Art Center, children have the opportunity to express themselves through a variety of mediums, utilize their creativity and self-expression, develop their fine motor skills and explore with different artistic tools. Promotes development in: Social-emotional, Physical, Language & Literacy, Cognitive

Literacy Center 閱讀 yuè dú

In the Literacy Center, children develop the skills necessary for reading and writing. They hear stories being read aloud, look through stories on their own, learn about people who are similar and different to them, and learn about the world around them. Children learn new words and their comprehension grows.  They learn to follow the direction of print on a page and the basic convention of books. They can explore their interests in this area and strengthen their hand muscles when using tools for writing and illustrating.



Science Center 科學 kē xué

In the Science Center, children have the opportunity to explore new materials and ask questions. They perform simple experiments and observe what happens. They investigate, explore and work together as they try to solve problems to common questions.

Once they have a discovery, they are eager to share their investigations with others and use adjectives to describe how things look, feel, touch, smell, etc.

Block Center 積木 jī  mù

In the Block Center, children are most often playing together and learning to navigate this space with their peers. They learn to cooperate and build with one another, share materials, take turns, and practice problems solving skills. They also begin to better understand the basics of architecture: shapes, balance, spatial connections (i.e. how can I place these blocks so they will not fall?”)



Dramatic Play 創意戲劇 chuàng yì xì jù

In the Dramatic Play area, children are able to explore and be creative, yet also deepen their understanding of the world around them through role play. They can express themselves, recreate life experiences and try to cope with their emotions by acting out roles and situations that interest them.

This all helps them make sense of the real world. This area can also be used to teach about other countries & cultures within the curriculum.


Toys & Games 教育玩具 jiào yù wán jù

The Toys and Games Center includes puzzles, connectors, manipulatives, and board games that children can play with at the table or on the rug. They are quiet activities that the children can do alone, with another child, a teacher, or in a small group. They learn to cooperate with one another, learn eye-hand coordination, compare sizes, shapes and colors as they play, explore letters and words, and do counting, sorting, and matching.


Sand & Water 沙和水 SHĀ HÉ SHUǏ

The Sand and Water centers involves sensory experiences that appeal to young children. Sand and water will delight the senses and challenge children’s minds to promote all areas of development and learning. Children will work together, practice their fine motor skills and eye hand coordination when they construct with sand. They will also engage in observing carefully, classifying, comparing, measuring, and solving problems. Children will discover the different properties of water and observe cause and effect as they see objects sink and float.

Indoor Playroom 運動技能 Yùndòng jìnéng

Gross Motor development involves the larger, stronger muscle groups of the body. In early childhood, it is the development of these muscles that enable the baby to hold his/her head up, sit, crawl and eventually walk, run and skip. During the preschool years (ages 3 through 5) a child learns various new gross motor skills. These new skills are vital for playing with their peers

Worldtots Indoor Play.jpg